Swami Vivekanand

Swami Vivekanand

Friday, November 2, 2007

Unless each note is given full play in every scale, all the science of music is marred. In painting, by keeping in touch with nature, you can make it as artistic as you like; there is no harm in doing that, and the result will be nothing but good. Similarly, in music, you can display any amount of skill by keeping to science, and it will be pleasing to the ear.


ybr (alias ybrao a donkey)

I believe that the word "scale" here refers to atimandra, mandra, madhya, taara and ati taara sthaayiis. If this meaning is correct, most singers/instrumentalists rarely play all the notes in each scale. The human voice normally goes down upto mandra mandhyama, plays all the sa ri ga ma pa da ni in the madhya sthaayi and upto to sa, ri, ga, ma, pa in the taara sthaayi.

Though there are 12 notes in North Indian music and 16 notes in South Indian music in every scale, rarely all the notes are used. Only seven or eight notes are used in common Ragas.


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