I pray that none may be dragged anywhere by the unseen power of his or her own past actions. I pray that all may be free, that is to say, may know that they are free. And if they are to dream again, let us pray that their dreams be all of peace and bliss.
Vivekananda blamed his karma for his failures and miseries.
Instances of Vivekananda blaming karma:
a)My KARMA He wrote to E.T. Sturdy (renowned Sanskrit scholar) on 14th September 1899 from Ridgely Manor, U.S.A. : "Of course, it is my karma ..." . In this letter, he laments that by being made to wear loin cloth in India, he got diabetes. -- After Mrs. Johnson expessed that "No spiritual person ought to be ill." -- After Mrs. Johnson expressed that his smoking was sinful etc. -- When Ms. Mueller left him after his illness.
b)My KARMA He wrote to Ishwar Chandra Ghosh from Belur Math, on 6th March 1899, after getting diabetes: "... This winter I had made it a point of visiting your part of the country. But my Karma will have otherwise. ..."
c) My KARMAHe wrote to Christina Greenstidel from Paris on Oct. 14, 1900.
"...As to myself, I see the cloud lifting, vanishing, the cloud of my bad Karma. And the sun of my good Karma rises — shining, beautiful, and powerful. This will also be the case for you, my friend. My knowledge of this language has not the power to express my emotion. But which language can really do so? ..."
d) My KARMAHe wrote to Swami Brahmananda (Rakhal) from Murree, India, on Oct. 11, 1897: " ... Whatever has happened is now past — it is all the result of past Karma. What is the good of my repentance? I do not believe in it. It is all Karma ..."
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